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Connecting Nim to Python

In my previous post I ended with a statement inquiring about interfacing Nim code with Python and after some experimentation I've been able to get some things to work. So, let's get to the code.

Compiling a library

The first thing we need to touch on is the Nim compiler. In most cases you turn your Nim code in to an executable by running the command.

nim c projectfile.nim

But to turn the code in to a library we'll need to look at the compiler's documentation. There are quite a few options but the one we are interested in is --app and in our case we'll use the --app:lib command to create a shared library (.dll in Windows, .so in linux, .dylib in OSX).

nim c --app:lib projectfile.nim

Running the above command should create a projectfile.dll or file in the same directory as the .nim file. That's great, but it doesn't quite get us what we want. The library has been created but none of our functions have been exposed. Not very useful.

The exportc & dynlib pragmas

Nim has special methods called pragmas that give the compiler extra information when it's parsing specific pieces of code. We've already seen them in use in my previous posts. Remember the following code to load the isnan function from math.h?

import math

proc cIsNaN(x: float): int {.importc: "isnan", header: "<math.h>".}
  ## returns non-zero if x is not a number

In the above the code between {. and .} contains the importc pragma that tells the compiler to use the code from the isnan funtion in math.h for the cIsNaN Nim procedure.

So, if Nim has a way to import code from C it should also have a way to export code to C; and it does, exportc. Using exportc we can tell the compiler to expose our function to the outside. This plus the dynlib pragma makes sure we can access our procedure from the library.

Let's start with something simple.

proc summer*(x, y: float): float {. exportc, dynlib .} =
  result = x + y

Saving this as test1.nim and running nim -c --app:lib test1.nim gives us a test1.dll file in windows. Now let's see if we can use it.

Python ctypes

To access our compiled library we'll use Python's ctypes module which has been part of the standard library since version 2.5. It allows us to access the C based code that's been compiled in to our library and convert between Python types and C types. Here's the code to access our summer function.

from ctypes import *

def main():
    test_lib = CDLL('test1')

    # Function parameter types
    test_lib.summer.argtypes = [c_float, c_float]

    # Function return types
    test_lib.summer.restype = c_float

    sum_res = test_lib.summer(1.0, 3.0)
    print('The sum of 1.0 and 3.0 is: %f'%sum_res)

if __name__ == '__main__':

We can see that after loading the library we set the argument and return types of the function and then call the function with a couple numbers. Let's see what happens.

The sum of 1.0 and 3.0 is: 32.000008

Hmmm, that's not right. It looks like we may not have used the correct types for my arguments and return. Let's compare the Nim float type to the Python ctypes c_float type. According to the Nim manual it's float type is set to "the processor's fastest floating point type". The Python ctypes manual says a c_float is the same as a float in C. Since I'm running this code using the 32-bit versions of both Nim and Python (2.7) on a 64-bit Windows machine is the Nim compiler making its float a double?

from ctypes import *

def main():
    test_lib = CDLL('test1')

    # Function parameter types
    test_lib.summer.argtypes = [c_double, c_double]

    # Function return types
    test_lib.summer.restype = c_double

    sum_res = test_lib.summer(1.0, 3.0)
    print('The sum of 1.0 and 3.0 is: %f'%sum_res)

if __name__ == '__main__':
The sum of 1.0 and 3.0 is: 4.000000

That seems to have fixed it. When we know we are going to be using exportc or creating a shared library Nim has types that let us add more constraint and reduce these types of mix-ups (e.g. cfloat, cint).

openArray arguments & the header file

Now let's try something a little more complex and take the median function from the statistics module I created in my last two posts.

Nim code:

proc median*(x: openArray[float]): float {. exportc, dynlib .} = 
  ## Computes the median of the elements in `x`. 
  ## If `x` is empty, NaN is returned.
  if x.len == 0:
    return NAN

  var sx = @x # convert to a sequence since sort() won't take an openArray

  if sx.len mod 2 == 0:
    var n1 = sx[(sx.len - 1) div 2]
    var n2 = sx[sx.len div 2]
    result = (n1 + n2) / 2.0
    result = sx[(sx.len - 1) div 2]

Python code:

from ctypes import *

def main():
    test_lib = CDLL('test1')

    # Function parameter types
    test_lib.summer.argtypes = [c_double, c_double]
    test_lib.median.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double), c_int]

    # Function return types
    test_lib.summer.restype = c_double
    test_lib.median.restype = c_double

    # Calc some numbers
    nums = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]
    nums_arr = (c_double * len(nums))()
    for i,v in enumerate(nums):
        nums_arr[i] = c_double(v)

    sum_res = test_lib.summer(1.0, 3.0)
    print('The sum of 1.0 and 3.0 is: %f'%sum_res)

    med_res = test_lib.median(nums_arr, c_int(len(nums_arr)))
    print('The median of %s is: %f'%(nums, med_res))

if __name__ == '__main__':

There's some interesting stuff happening here to allow us to call the median procedure. In the Nim code you can see that it's only looking for one argument, an openArray of floats. Like we saw in Part 2, openArrays make passing arrays of different sizes to procedures possible. But how does this translate into the C library? (You can probably guess from the Python code.) One thing that may help us is an additional argument that can be passed to the Nim compiler.

nim c --app:lib --header test1.nim

The --header option will produce a C header file in the nimcache folder where the module is compiled. If we look at the header we'll see the following.

/* Generated by Nim Compiler v0.10.2 */
/*   (c) 2014 Andreas Rumpf */
/* The generated code is subject to the original license. */
/* Compiled for: Windows, i386, gcc */
/* Command for C compiler:
   gcc.exe -c  -w  -IC:\NIM\lib -o c:\workspaces\nim-tests\nimcache\test1.o c:\workspaces\nim-tests\nimcache\test1.h */
#ifndef __test1__
#define __test1__
#define NIM_INTBITS 32
#include "nimbase.h"
N_NOCONV(void, signalHandler)(int sig);
N_NIMCALL(NI, getRefcount)(void* p);
N_LIB_IMPORT N_CDECL(NF, median)(NF* x, NI xLen0);
N_LIB_IMPORT N_CDECL(NF, summer)(NF x, NF y);
N_LIB_IMPORT N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void);
#endif /* __test1__ */

The important lines are 13 and 14 where our two exported procedures are called out. We can see that summer is looking for two NF type arguments which we can assume are Nim type floats. median on the other hand is looking for not one argument like in the Nim procedure we defined but two, a pointer to an NF and an NI which is a Nim integer. There's also a hint about what that integer is, a length value. So the openArray argument has been translated in to a standard way of passing arrays in C, a pointer to the array and the length of the array.

In the Python code you can see we set the correct arguments ([POINTER(c_double), c_int]) and return type (c_double) and in lines 15 through 18 we cast a Python list of floats in to a C array of doubles. Then when we call the function in line 23 we make sure to convert the list's length to a c_int. Let's check the results.

The sum of 1.0 and 3.0 is: 4.000000
The median of [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0] is: 4.500000

That looks good, and it's probably enough for this post. In future posts we'll look at interfacing with more types like strings, tuples, and custom objects.


Nim Compiler User Guide
Nim Manual
Python ctypes
Python ctypes Tutorial

(Thanks to dom96 for corrections.)